Given the year the property sector has endured, it might be superfluous to suggest to any landlord or investor that it’s time to review your property portfolio; we rather suspect you’ve been doing that on a monthly basis!
Given the year the property sector has endured, it might be superfluous to suggest to any landlord or investor that it’s time to review your property portfolio; we rather suspect you’ve been doing that on a monthly basis!
Predicting anything can be risky, we know this because along with friends and colleagues in the property investment market, we do it every year. Revisiting property predictions is even more fraught!
Painful though it may be to contemplate, we are much, much closer to the end of 2023 than we are to its start. That means a period of looking back, and some looking forwards.
Mention Cumbria, and most of us immediately think of the fells and tarns of the Lake District. Beautiful though it is, and full of holiday let potential, the Lakes are but a small part of Cumbria.